Prasetiya Mulya Business School (PMBS) dikenal sebagai salah satu sekolah bisnis terbaik di Indonesia. Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 30 tahun termasuk sebagai pelopor program MBA pertama di Indonesia, Prasetiya Mulya untuk pendidikan bisnis telah mendapat pengakuan sebagai salah satu sekolah bisnis top di Indonesia.
- Including: dinner / snacks except MM Reguler
- Excluding: textbooks, parking, locker, printer facility at the Business Centre (PM Store) and Study Abroad (elective subject).
Keringanan Biaya
This program is eligible for individuals that fulfill at least one of the criterias below:
a. A new student who have just joined Prasetiya Mulya.
b. A new student that is sponsored by a company.
c. Parents of a new student who is the second or third child to study at MM Program Prasetiya Mulya.
d. An employee at Prasetiya Mulya whose child is a new student at MM Program Prasetiya Mulya.
e. A new student that is a family member and recorded in the same family card (Kartu Keluarga) as a Prasetiya Mulya alumni.
Benefit of reduced fee programs:
a. Reduced fee program applies for students that have fully paid his/her tuition fee before the start of Trimester 1. The amount given for this program is 5% from the total fixed fee and semester fee until the end of the trimester.
b. Reduced fee program applies for companies that has sponsored 10 of its employees in 1 year academic time. For the 11th student and above, the amount given for this program is 10% from the total fixed fee and semester fee until the end of the trimester in 1 year academic time.
c. Reduced fee program applies for companies in form of registration fee if the company send a minimum of 25 students as test participants for Prasetiya Mulya MM program. The registration fee is waived for the 1st registration test, repeated test is considered not valid for this program.
d. Reduced fee program applies for parents who send at least 2 children to study at Prasetiya Mulya. For the 2nd and 3rd child, the amount given for this program is 10% from the total fixed fee and semester fee until the end of trimester.
e. Reduced fee program applies for employees who have children or spouses that have become students of MM Prasetiya Mulya.
f. Reduced fee program applies for MM program alumni who have children or spouses that are recorded in one family card (Kartu Keluarga). The amount given for this program is 10% from the total fixed fee and semester fee until the end of trimester.
Any eligible person will be given one type of reduced fee program that benefit them the most.
Tahun 2016 Prasetiya Mulya menawarkan 3 program MM (Magister Manajemen) antara lain:
MM Regular
Merupakan program full time dengan jadwal kuliah dari Senin sd. Jumat, pukul 08.30-16.15. Persyaratan untuk program MM Regular:
- Sarjana, pengalaman kerja 0-2 tahun.
- Lulusan S1/sederajat dari berbagai jurusan atau S1 luar negeri yang telah disetarakan sesuai peraturan Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (DIKTI)
MM Business Management
Merupakan program part time dengan jadwal kuliah 3 hari per minggu (Senin, Rabu, Jumat – kecuali mata kuliah elektif), pukul 18.15-21.30. Persyaratan untuk program MM Business Management:
- Berpengalaman kerja fulltime minimal 2 tahun setelah lulus S1.
- Lulusan S1/sederajat dari berbagai jurusan atau S1 luar negeri yang telah disetarakan sesuai peraturan Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (DIKTI).
MM Strategic Innovation
Merupakan program part time dengan jadwal kuliah 3 hari per minggu (Senin, Rabu, Jumat – kecuali mata kuliah elektif), pukul 18.15-21.30. Persyaratan untuk program MM Strategic Innovation:
- Berpengalaman kerja minimum 5 tahun di jajaran manajemen madya/puncak, minimum 2 tahun sebagai manajer/leader dan pengalaman pada dua fungsi manajemen yang berbeda
- Lulusan S1/sederajat dari berbagai jurusan atau S1 luar negeri yang telah disetarakan sesuai peraturan Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi (DIKTI).
Biaya kuliah selama mengikuti pendidikan untuk masing-masing program ditentukan sebagai berikut :
- MM Regular Rp 121.550.000
- MM Busines Management Rp 131.120.000
- MM Strategic Innovation : Rp 159.100.000
Commitment fee tidak bisa dikembalikan dengan alasan apapun, beasiswa hanya tersedia bagi mahasiswa MM Program full-time.
muhammad ryfki rahman says
apakah ada kelas online untuk karyawan